



wedding photography for joyful couples



in retrospect





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Hi, I'm Emily.

This was my year in a nutshell…

January – Started my last term/semester of college at Capri. Worked part-time at Iowa State Bank & Trust.

February – Spent Valentine’s Day with Kevin, spilling my guts about my boy troubles with a crush. Two weeks later, discovered that I actually liked Kevin. Lost electricity at my house. Turned 21. Started dating Kevin.

March – Paid off my car loan and received the title. I am such a big girl.

April – Graduated from Capri College as an esthetician.

May – Took the Iowa boards for esthetics licensure. I passed. Played my last concert with The Otwo Band. Very sad. Moved to Columbus, Ohio. Started working at Garrett Hospitality.

June – Kevin visited. We are in love.

July – Took a random trip to Niagara Falls with Carla. We had a lot of funny adventures and did not get held up at the border. Came back to Ohio. Went to the Pirate Pool Party at Bel Air Court and laughed ourselves silly.

August – Visited Kevin and his family in Des Moines. Kevin and I walked on a stained glass lit bridge. Went to a wedding of Kevin’s friend. Cried when I had to say goodbye again. Summer internship at Garrett Hospitality done. Took Ohio boards for esthetics licensure. I passed.

September – Went back to Iowa for a week! Spent lots of time with Kevin. Bridesmaided at Jewel’s wedding. Came back to Ohio. Couldn’t find a job.

October – Started working two jobs, Huntington Bank and C.O. Bigelow. Suffered from health issues. Quit at C.O. Bigelow.

November – Found a job at a pediatrician’s office. Made a good impression. Was hired. Kevin visited over Thanksgiving and I got sick for the whole week that he was here. He took great care of me. He also had his birthday while he was here and I got him a Nintendo Wii so we proceeded to spend our days bowling on the TV.

December – Kevin and I still in love. He bought me a violin for Christmas, among other things. I bought him an assortment of gifts, no musical instruments though. My family visited. Christmas was amazing, as always. Kevin got to stay an extra day due to flight delays! I had a traveling New Year’s Eve, starting at at Roxie and Karen’s apartment, then traveled to Carla’s house, where we proceeded to have a karaoke/dance party. We got so into it that we almost missed the New Year! I had no one to kiss, but I will save it for another day…




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I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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