Today we practically got drunk. On cake. At work. Seriously.
It went like this. After the horribly, crazy day at work yesterday being slammed with patients, today was relatively slow. That leaves an obvious gap for much laughter. Plus, it’s Friday and we’re all a little crazy on Fridays. Since we’ve been short staffed for the past 6 weeks, the doctor’s decided to treat us to lunch today. After spending a lot of time online determining our orders at Bob Evan’s (someone thought we were all trying to determine some serious medical decision…haha!), we decided to add a chocolate cake as a special treat. (I’m telling you this for a reason, I promise.)
Okay, so Michelle went over to all of the food and we had a very good time eating and eating and eating. Then we started in on the cake. It was a delicious cake with a mousse cream on the inside. Absolutely delectable. By this point, we were completely over-the-top on a sugar rush so we were all laughing outrageously and making no sense at all. We were out of control. Someone made the comment, “What is this in the middle of the cake?” I told them, “It’s some kind of chocolate mousse.” But then I realized that maybe I should clarify things to avoid confusion (since we were all delirious) so I added, “Not like the animal moose!”
This, of course, rumored back to the doctor’s office (thanks, Tina) and so, for the rest of the day, all I kept hearing was, “Emily, did you have any more moose cake?” “Emily, be careful there are no antlers in there.” “Emily, what sound does a moose make?”
What’s the next stupid thing I’ll say?
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