Carla has a theory. She is trying to turn it into a proof, but at this stage, it is still in theory form. It started a few weeks ago when she was complaining about something regarding me and her. (I am not entirely sure what it was.) She thinks that there is a curse in the older sister that makes the older sister less attractive than the younger sister. She claims that the younger sisters are always the ones who are more beautiful.
I am a younger sister and, of course, I think this is a complete falsehood.
Then we went to see “27 Dresses” last weekend and, in a strange turn of normalcy, Katherine Heigl was portrayed as the older, not-as-attractive sister. (Anyone who knows who she is knows that she is gorgeous!) That sent Carla into a tailspin again about the curse of the older sister. Listing off movie after movie, she went into a tirade about this whole thought process. Not only did she list off movies, but she listed real people.
I am now on a mission to prove her wrong. Younger sisters are not the more beautiful, talented ones. They don’t get all the luck and they are not the wittiest. I’m still doing research into this.
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