Research still in progress. Coming soon..
Anastasia tries on the glass slipper, which at first appears to fit. “There. I knew it was my slipper. Exactly my size. I always wear the same size. You see…” The Herald lifts up her foot, revealing that the shoe just barely covers one toe. “Oh,” says Anastasia, “Well, maybe it is a trifle snug today. You know how it is, dancing all night… It always fit perfectly before. I don’t think you’re half trying.
Stepmother cuts in, “Young man, are you sure you’re trying it on the right foot?”
As the Duke is about to leave, Cinderella begs, “Your Grace. Your Grace. Please, wait. May I try it on?”
“Oh. Pay no attention to HER,” says Stepmother.
“It’s only Cinderella,” says Anastasia.
Drizella adds, “Our scullery maid…”
Anastasia finishes, “From the kitchen.”
“Absolutely ridiculous!” cries out Stepmother.
Anastasia points to Cinderella and says, “She’s out of her mind.”
“Yes, just an imaginitive child!” agrees Stepmother.
In an official and impatient tone, Grand Duke says, “Madam, my orders were EVERY maiden.”
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