My job never ceases to give me reasons to laugh.
Thursday was the start of a two-day conversation with some parents. They came in for a behavioral appointment, but didn’t have insurance so they left in a bad mood and proceeded to keep calling in between the two offices to try to sneak in. This continued into Friday. Between sarcasm and hang-ups, they were a particular delight on the phone (uh-hum).
Their story kept changing with every different person they talked to. They said some particularly distasteful things about me so Tina put them on hold and I picked up the phone to set them straight. Suddenly, they were sweet as pie. For the rest of the day, they called, asking for me. At the end of the night, the last conversation (thank God!), the mother said, “So, your dad is the doctor?” It completely caught me off guard, “Um, no… We’re of no relation.”
I have no idea where she got the idea that I was the doctor’s daughter, except that I said I was putting the chart back on the doctor’s desk and she might have thought I said, “my dad’s desk.” Who knows really? But after being completely exhausted by the two-days worth of phone calls, I just started laughing and laughing. I couldn’t help it. I had tears streaming down my cheeks and no one could figure out what I was laughing about until I blubbered out, “She…ha…thinks I’m…haha…the doctor’s….daughter!!!”
It made my whole day.
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