My doctor thinks I’m a nutcase. I know he does. He gave me his cell phone number and I’m supposed to call him tomorrow to let him know how I’m doing. Why did he do this? Obviously, he thinks I’m a nutcase.
I’ve been sick for the past three weeks. It started with the flu, then viral infection, then cold and sinuses, then another infection. It has been on going from one thing to the next. (It’s been completely miserable.) Due to this on going rigamaro of problems, I’ve been back to my doctor probably 5 times in the past 3 weeks. Carla says I should just start my own pharmacy right out of my living room. It’s true.
Today, I went in again over my lunch break because when I called to talk to the nurse, she was too concerned and wanted me to come in right away. Due to my problems, I only got two hours of sleep last night and spent the rest of the night tossing about my bed in despair. Lack of sleep, coupled with frustration, makes me a complete emotional mess. So I was in the room waiting for the doctor and started crying ([again.] I had already cried multiple times at work for no apparent reason.). My poor doctor. When he came in, I was just sitting there, snotty nose and tears. He kept trying to tell me that I’ll be okay, but I couldn’t stop crying.
That’s when he gave me some new prescriptions and his cell phone number to call him on Saturday morning. I’d like to think it’s just because he cares about his patients, but I think that he fears for my sanity.
That makes two of us.
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