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the dark knight





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Hi, I'm Emily.

As you probably know, the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight, came out at midnight on Thursday night. A few of my friends from work, Michelle, Erin, Robyn, and I came up with a great scheme to go to the drive in to see it because the drive-in was going to have a special showing of it. We figured our spouses/significant others would go along as well because of the movie selection so we planned a great couples night out. As it turned out, it was raining yesterday so we made a quick back-up plan to go the the CoralRidge Theater instead. We had Erin’s husband run over to buy tickets early before they sold out.

We all met up to eat before and then the guys left early to reserve a place in line and us girls stayed to finish up dinner and laugh for a while. We got great seats (thanks to the boys), but the movie itself was not what I was expecting! I should have known since I hate clowns and mascots that this would not be a good movie for me, but there’s been so much hype about it and Kevin’s been looking forward to this movie for over a year so I thought I could handle it. It turned out that I spent more time covering my eyes than I actually saw the movie. All the boys loved it, of course, all the girls were scared, but they still made fun of me for being such a baby.

Kevin’s already planning for when the movie comes out on DVD. I warned him early on that he’s going to be watching it by himself. I have had enough of Batman. Furthermore, [spoiler coming in case you haven’t seen it!] there’s no point to a movie that kills off the woman. I was so mad. The good guy turns bad, the woman gets killed, and Batman takes the blame on himself for the sake of the the city so that in the end, no one even knows that he’s the real good guy. Dumb.

In good news, Mamma Mia! is out in theaters! I know that movie will not disappoint.


  1. Carla says:

    I’m so excited for Mamma Mia. And I’m equally excited that we are NOT seeing the dark knight.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I have yet to see hte dark knight —never been into batman so im interested in what the big deal about this one is. I will say that i went to mamma mia on friday –you will not be disappointed! loved it!

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I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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