Today after church, I convinced Kevin to go on a hike with me. I thought I was fully prepared for this as I printed out the trail map and directions on how to get to the starting point. What I did not factor in was not being able to find the starting point even with a map…
Kevin and I drove around for a while trying to find a trail anywhere. We finally saw one that seemed to just started out of no where. (It was literally a trail drop-off into the fossil gorge…so we started at the drop-off.) We should’ve known when, only about 0.1 miles into the trail, there was a large tree over path. We climbed over it and kept going. Around every bend however was a new tree, log, or some other obstruction. Finally, the trail just trailed off into no where. Literally, we were walking through the woods on no pathway at all until we came to some houses with signs that said, “Private Property, No Trespassing.” We ignored the signs and walked through anyway…whoops.
It ended up that we walked along the road like hoodlums for quite some time (seriously) until we came to the main road again (far away from our starting point) and then found the place where the real trails were!!! At some point along this hike, Kevin said, “I think we can both agree that we are far off track.” I agreed; we had no idea where we were, but I knew it wasn’t even close to any trails or park. Hah.
We decided we are going back next week since we now know where to go, but for this week, we had enough backroad trekking. It was a beautiful day though and fun to be outside together.
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