I dream in color. I thought that everyone dreamt in color. I never even knew that people could dream in black and white. Maybe if those people were color-blind, then that would make sense, but if you see color everyday, shouldn’t you see color at night too?
I was shocked today to find out that apparently my color dreaming thing is a rarity. It all started when my coworker told me how she dreamt in color last night–like it was a big deal. I thought she was just being dramatic, but she kept talking about it so finally I said, “What’s the big deal, dreaming in color?”
She responded, “I never dream in color!!!” Shocked.
“What?! How do you dream then?”
“In black and white. Why, how do you dream?”
“Bahahaha, you dream in black and white?! You’re like an old TV!!”
That started my intrigue with this whole dreaming thing. I dream every night. I come from a family of dreamers. We are practically Josephs with our dreaming. Vivid. Colors. Details. We remember everything. As strange as our dreams are, we remember them all. Sometimes I wake up more exhausted than when I went to bed because I was fighting crime or being an Olympic swimmer or digging for mummies… Seriously, this stuff happens. It’s like I get to travel without having to pay for it.
I did some research on the color thing and one website says that most dreams are in color, but people don’t remember them in color sometimes because they have difficulty remembering their dreams and sometimes simply because color is such a natural part of the visual experience. Also, it said that people who are very aware of colors while they are awake are more likely to notice and remember the colors in their dreams.
This brings me to my poll. I am very curious to find out the results… Poll away!
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