Tonight I made myself proud. Tonight I made myself really proud.
Tonight I not only reached my running goal, but I kicked it out of the water. I ran further than I’ve ever run in my life. This makes me proud. Also, it makes me feel like a million bucks. I am not a runner, which makes this especially terrific for me to accomplish.
I used to run with my iPod, Gwyneth, in an effort to drown out my pain, but lately, I’ve found that I can run a lot better just listening to my own breathing. I have found that if I can focus on my breathing and regulate it to a rhythm, I can run much better. Tonight, I didn’t even let my breathing get out of it’s ooouuuuttt, in-in when I was running up the hill. Not even when I was in my last 0.1 mile. I felt so in control. And so great.
My goal?: 2 miles.
My last record?: 1.8 miles.
Tonight?: 3.5 miles.
Yes, for once in my life, I have no reservations saying, “I am awesome.” Because, tonight, I am.
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