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pain in the butt pain in the leg





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Hi, I'm Emily.

I played volleyball Tuesday night for the first time in too long. I definitely had a riot (and a lot of fun), but it seems that my old age is catching up with me. I had been aching around for the last two full days now like an old woman. I cannot sit down in a chair without armrests because I have nothing to hold on to in order to ease my landing. Imagine my conundrum with a toilet…

While I’m on my pity trip, I also have several bruises to accompany my soreness. As embarrassing as it is, I have to tell everyone where the bruises came from because I’d rather be embarrassed than have people thinking I’m being beaten or something awful.

I’ve been limping around for the last two full days now, but I’m starting to get to the point that I actually think I might have done something seriously bad to myself. At first I was just upset because I thought I was in decent shape and being sore after a couple of volleyball games was really irritating to me for some reason. The muscle in the back of my left leg–my gastrocnemius muscle–hurts so bad though that I can’t even walk on it. (By the way, I only know that’s the name of the muscle because I googled it and found a picture break-down of the leg muscles. It makes me sound more legit when I’m talking. [see photo on right])

As sore as my whole body is, nothing hurts as bad as that one leg muscle. In my mind, I picture shredded beef (because I love shredded beef!) inside my leg instead of my muscle because it feels like I imagine it would feel if my muscle were replaced with shredded beef. Or…I guess, it would be more correct to say that it feels like my muscle is shredded.

As crazy as this sounds, I have discovered a slight pain reliever for this problem: wearing high heels. They were the only things that made me even slightly productive at work today. God bless high heels. I always knew something good would come out of them someday.

Anyway, enough of my muscle pain complaining. I enjoyed my run on Sunday and my volleyball game on Tuesday so whichever of the two caused my problems, I guess I can deal with it.

In more exciting news, Kevin and I took our engagement pictures yesterday! I will be posting pictures once we get them back. I can’t wait to see them… I’m sure you can’t either.



  1. Janelle says:

    ooo, I know about this stuff. I bet your calf feels better when you wear heels because that position of your foot shortens the muscle. That means that it’s not in as much of a stretch when you’re walking, and therefore causes less pain in the injured area. I’d recommend moist heat followed by a good rub down and then ice. 🙂 When you’re rubbing you calf, the direction should be from your ankle to your knee. Hope it feels betters soon.

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I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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