I, for one, think that is a good rule to follow. Don’t save it all for Christmas Day. If there are gifts to be opened, start opening them as soon as it gets to be close to Christmas. “Close” is, of course, a differing time as for some people this is several days and for some several months. Haha. I’m just kidding. Kind of.
I mean, seriously, who doesn’t love having something to open for Christmas? A present that you didn’t even have to work for. Someone just got it for you because they love you. Or because you’re their family and they’re obligated. Hah.
I am like a child when it comes to Christmas. Kevin has always joked that he’s going to be the only adult in our family once we have children because he’ll have to hide presents from the kids AND me. Though I know he doesn’t believe me on this statement, this year, for the first time ever, I feel much more realistic about gifts. Maybe it’s the reality of money or an upcoming wedding or the economy, but I honestly have felt less selfish this year than previous years. I have constantly been reminded that this season is about family, love, joy, but most importantly, Jesus.
So, in all of my Christmas spirit and gift-giving/receiving, I hope that I will be more aware of what’s most important this year.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.
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