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when your work out doesn’t work out…





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Hi, I'm Emily.

I joined the gym a month ago. I couldn’t run anymore outside because it was too cold. I also figured that with my shin splints, I should probably try doing something other than sidewalk running. Thus, I joined the gym.

So far, I have been able to avoid the classes. Although I secretly want to try them out, I’m deathly afraid that I will be terrible and make a fool of myself in front of the whole class. It’s like that feeling in elementary when you forgot to bring a show-and-tell item and so you have to make up something impromptu like pulling out a crayon from the box, unwrapping it, scuffing it up a bit, and then telling the class that you made it from a homemade recipe with food coloring dye. Yes, embarrassing and foolish.

I made it through one early morning spinning class, but hated that so much that I haven’t gone back. (I had a terrible case of sore biker’s butt for several days!) All in all, I have used the weights and the treadmills, elipticals, etc. All the normal things that normal people like me should use.

Last night I decided to try the BodyAttack class. All of the things that I had heard about it was that it was a hard, but fun class. Word to the wise, never listen when things sound ridiculous. I should’ve known. Given my non-coordination, I should have known.

Within the first 2 minutes, I thought I was going to die. In the next 4 minutes, I thought I was going to cry. The instructor, though very nice, kept looking at me as she would explain again how to kick your leg and I knew that she was thinking, “Oh, good grief. This girl is a workout nightmare.”

Apparently, my brain has a hard time reversing images. I never knew this before. I only discovered it last night in class when I realized that, unless the instructor turned around so her back was to us, I could not for the life of me reverse what she was doing. I could only mirror her. So that meant when she (and everyone else) was kicking her left leg, I would kick my right leg. Right arm, left arm. And so on it went.

I thought that class would never end. To make all matters worse, there are mirrors lining the walls. That’s great if you’re a prima ballerina and need to work on technique, but when you’re supposed to be doing the Superman and end up doing a lumpy-bumpy, my-leg-can’t-kick-while-I’m-also-jumping-sideways, tripping toddler version of the Superman, it is not a good idea to have a 4-way vision of yourself.

I have to recoup before I will ever consider going back. I don’t know if it’s embarrassment or the sheer toughness of the workout that has me most pained, but I am leaning strongly towards embarrassment. If I do it again, I should probably wear a full ski mask so no one will know who I am. Maybe that will help. God forbid anyone from that class would recognize me on the street!!


  1. Baby says:

    thats how i felt a year ago when i first try the BodyAttack class.. i went back and back again…and i decided to get certified on it.. so you should just give it another try! (ohh and i have lost about 30 lbs)

  2. mrsfox says:

    Em! YOU crack me up! 🙂 I was laughing so hard when I read this. I had to read it to Libby…then she got laughing! HA HA !
    Thanks for sharing with us! I have been wanting to join Pilates or Yoga, but there are no classes around here. 1 bad thing about a small community!

    LOVE YA!

  3. Carla says:

    BAHAHAHAHA!! I can totally see this because I have in fact been in the same situation except my room only had 3 mirrored walls, and the fourth was solid glass so all the people on the treadmills and bikes could watch us and (presumably) laugh their asses off! Here’s a tip – try something calmer like yoga or pilates and get in early in the class cycle before everyone becomes experts. That way you will get the hang of it and then can laugh when new people come and make fools of themselves 🙂 I have the same problem with doing the wrong side of things – lets blame that one on our parents.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I started going to jazzercise about 2 months ago and I love it so much!!! I go about 4 times a week and I’m to the point that I just can’t miss a day! If you have one in your area I HIGHLY suggest it. Its so fun!!!!


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I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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