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Hi, I'm Emily.
There’s such a relief when meeting up with old friends. There’s no pretenses; they’ve probably already seen you being a brat back in high school. You don’t have to get to know each other; just catch up from the last time. It really is relieving. What is slightly less relieving is that most of my high school friends are either a) married, b) have a child, c) have several children, d) is pregnant or e) all of the above. Most of my friends fall into the category of e) all of the above. (As a result of this, I have started a non-prego club. I have 6 members so far!)
Though I am so excited to start a family and cannot wait to have children (and lots of them), I get more of a kick out of getting Kevin worked up about. Every time I start talking about it, it makes him nervous like I’m going to somehow coerce him into having babies before we’re ready. In the end of the day, I remind Kevin that I’m not ready either, but I just like getting him riled up about it. I’m a very loving girlfriend in that way. Hah.
When Kevin found out that 2 out of 3 of the girls from high school I was getting together with last night were pregnant (one with her first; one with her third and fourth, twins) and that the other one has a 15-month old girl, he was nervous all over again. This time thinking that my girlfriends would coerce me into having babies before I’m ready! It turned out to be quite the opposite.
Though we did talk about babies all night, there was also a lot of talk about birthing. Birthing is not a part of babies that I would like to talk about or hear about. Mostly, anything involving blood grosses me out so in no way, shape, or form, does a bloody baby make me feel soft and lovey. When Kevin texted me to make sure that there was no baby talk, I told him that’s all we had talked about, but it turned out differently than I thought. I determined again that I’m not ready to have a child. Maybe in a few years I will be, but I’m just not ready for that whole labor and delivery thing. Let’s not even mention being responsible for a helpless little life.
For now, I remain President of the Non-Prego Club.
On the other hand, my sister is a hero. She just had her third child on Saturday. His name is Gavin Reid and he is simply darling! I love him already and I’ve yet to meet him. Unfortunately, the first time I will meet him is in two and a half months at the wedding, but regardless, he is so precious. I want to squeeze him and shower him with little baby kisses. She called me with the announcement while I was at a wedding reception so I snuck into the coat closet to hear her. I had just heard from mom about 2 hours before that she went to the hospital so I was shocked to hear that it was already over with! I tried to tell her that there hadn’t even been enough time for pain. She quickly corrected me. And what do I know anyway…except that it will be awhile until I’m the one in the hospital bed.
Chris and I were married 8 years before we had our daughter Shailee. I never felt ready for many years, and unlike many women, Chris NEVER felt ready at all or had a strong immediate desire for kids! After 8 years and some career choices staring us in the face, we had a long talk on a trip about the kid thing and when we were going to start thinking in that direction, and that we should at least start making some decisions to prepare. Keep in mind I’m 32 and Chris is 31 at the time! But while I was settled into a career at the time but facing some decisions, Chris had just started working in a really good job for Motorola (we lived in Chicago at the time) and after many years of trying to find her niche and career in life, she felt very settled and as she expressed it, she just had no maternal instinct what so ever yet and was really liking her job and all and wanted to settle into that. I was kinda frustrated, as I felt we needed to at least lay some plans in place. Well, like a month later, totally by “divine intervention” we found out we were pregnant. And we both had such a peace about it out of nowhere – especially Chris. I guess perhaps because God had made the choice for her! They say “you’re never ready” and that’s why you have at least 9 months to prepare! Tell Kevin not to worry – when the time comes, God will give him all he needs to be a great Dad and deal with babies. Tell him all the things that you love about him are the very same things that will make him a great Dad. And the “baby” stage only lasts a little while anyway. They don’t stay that way forever! (It’s when they get to be teenagers is when you have to worry!)
And last . . . don’t be in a hurry. Take this precious time together as a couple to do EVERYTHING in life you can possibly do as a young couple before you have kiddos. The best advice anyone gave us was “Just remember that once you have a child, you’re life as a couple will not be the same – just the two of you – for another EIGHTEEN years at least.” So take every advantage of that in building your life together before you plunge into kids.
And of course, if you haven’t fully discussed the kiddo thing – what your expectations are for that, when, how many, etc. – and the same for Kevin, make sure you do! 🙂 Flushing that out now if you can is a lot easier than figuring it out as you go! But for us – we kind of played it by ear and held off for awhile, and even then couldn’t decide, so as we see it, God had to step in and intervene. (It really was amazing how this happened if I told you the whole story!) So all in all . . . no matter what, God’s in control!
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