Folks, I just spent almost three hours figuring out [again] my FTP code and how to update my theme without erasing all of my photos. It was a headache and I realized in the end that I didn’t need Filezilla or CyberDuck. Gosh, I need some chocolate now. The good news is that crisis is averted on the potential death threats from hackers who may or may not have been hacking into my website. Lockdown complete.
In order to rid myself of this headache, aside from chocolate, I will show you my wonderful date the other night with my friends. Gosh, they are fabulous. We sat outside on the patio and ate and talked for three hours. This is how things go with us. Every single time. Sara told Uche she’d be home around 8:30. His response was, “Okay, see you around 9:30.” We’re that predictable. Love these girls. They help keep me stable. And lord knows, I need all that stability I can get.
Enjoy your Friday!!
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