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advice to my 15-year-old self





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Hi, I'm Emily.

It’s okay to be naive. Someday you won’t be anymore and the world suddenly doesn’t look as great. So if you don’t get that joke that they’re smirking at, just let it slide. You don’t want to know what it means, trust me.

Your boobs will never stop growing. They may be nice A’s now, but someday you’ll be D’s and wish you were still A’s. Be thankful for starting out small.

Yes, he hurt you and it sucks. It really does. You will always feel sad, not about him, but about having your heart broken. Because it sucks. But…get this, someday you’re going to meet this guy and he is going to make your heart beat wilder than the pounding hoofs at the derby and he’s going to treat you like respectable lady because he’s a true gentleman. And you know what else? He’s going to be so in love with you that he will tell you—even on the days when you look like death warmed over (sorry to break it to you, but there will be those days occasionally)—that he is so lucky to spend forever with you. Chin up, darling, you have so much to look forward to.

You’re right: culottes will never be fashionable. Stick with your gut on that one.

Those Bible verses you have to memorize? It’s cool. In the future, at the most random times and just when you need them, one will pop back into your head.

Yes, your parents are overbearing and they don’t understand and they’re just plain awful and cruel and horrible. You’re going to hate me for saying this, but one day you’ll respect them. You’ll ask them for advice. It seems inconceivable, but it’s true. For now, it’s okay to not like them, but just try to be a little bit nicer, okay? It’s just a phase.

You feel fat. You’re not. You’re gorgeous. Go to the pool more often and don’t be so self-conscious. You’re beautiful. (And that spot on your nose that you’re self-conscious about? Someday you’ll be able to zap it away with a laser so don’t lose sleep over it.)

Pour your heart into what you love. Don’t be afraid. Life is about trial and error. If you make a mistake, apologize and get back up. It’s fine. Even the smartest, wealthiest, and most powerful adults make mistakes. It’s okay.

No matter how cool you think it is, White-Out is not nail polish. Just stop already.

That really bad, horrible, awful thing that was said about you that made you stay home from school (with parents’ permission) to cry in bed all day…those words will, unfortunately, haunt you forever and you will always be self-conscious. You’ll become guarded and distrustful. However, over the next many years, you’ll learn to forgive. You’ll eventually learn to let your guard down and trust people again. In the meantime, it sucks and I’ll just crawl into bed and hold you while you cry.

You haven’t started yet, but I know you will so just trust me on this: avoid the tanning bed. Always wear sunscreen outside. You can thank me in 10 years.

I love that you are wearing the wackiest, most unique style ever. Don’t ever stop being unique. People will make fun of you, but I’m proud of you for being yourself. You rock.

I know that you want to cut your hair off, but once you do, it’ll never be long again. You don’t have the patience. Enjoy those long, thick locks while you have them.

It’s okay that you don’t know what you want to be when you grow up. You’re 15. You don’t need to have that figured out for at least another 15 years and, even then, you’re allowed to question it.

Lastly, follow your family’s advice and wear that cape whenever you feel sad. You are a superhero and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Yourself in 10 years


  1. Carla says:

    The Super Em cape was the BEST! I lovd your 15 year old self, but I love you even more now!

  2. Sarah says:

    I LOVE YOU! For everyone of these reasons! And I can relate with about half of them…

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