It was, I believe, by divine coincidence that Jillian and I met. She got married last May in a beautiful ceremony, but had the misfortune of not getting very many, if any, portraits of herself in her wedding dress, aside from some family photos. When I heard her full story (which I won’t divulge), I really, really wanted to be able to give her some photos in her wedding dress, even though she’s nearing her 1 year anniversary. There’s just something so beautiful about a bride in her dress and I, as a former bride myself, knew that this sweet girl should have those photos that she never got on her wedding day.
That was how Jillian and I got together and, along with her friend, Cassandra, hit the North Liberty area for some beautiful evening light. I about went gaga over every image, but tried to refrain myself for pure sanity’s sake. The light was so delicious and Jillian was game for anything I told her to do. Also, she has the most beautiful laugh which I just couldn’t resist.
Jillian, my dear, I’m so honored to have been able to capture how truly beautiful you are. You’re kind from deep inside and your smile is like sunshine. Thank you. Honestly.
I adore this next one so much! There’s something so classy and elegant about it…and a little bit of fierce. 🙂
You beautiful, beautiful thing you.
Behind the scenes: thanks so much, Cassandra, for coming along, helping get the great laughs from Jillian, and holding my reflector. You’re a sweet gem!
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