



wedding photography for joyful couples



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Pour yourself a coffee and enjoy browsing through some of my latest work. Stay awhile and say hello!

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Hi, I'm Emily.

  • After all those months of countdown, pool season has finally hit again! Sara and I welcomed it with open arms, going two days in a row that first weekend. We’ve managed to eek in pool time at least every weekend so far. Plus, we’re 5 for 5 with friendly little babies at the pool who love us so we think this summer is going to be a hit! (And yes, we’re using SPF.)
  • For the past, oh, 6 months, I’ve been getting US Weekly. Not because I subscribed to it, but because it just randomly started showing up every Friday addressed to me. Now, if there’s someone out there who just wanted to surprise me, then you’re awesome and I want to give you a huge hug. My guess, however, is that I somehow fell into a glitch in the system and US Weekly is just giving me magazines without knowing it. I should not be taking this to the inter webs for fear they’ll figure it out and cease all shipments. Anyway, so I’ve been getting these magazines and I’ve been hooked. Next to People magazine, US Weekly is my favorite. Recently, the magazines have started dwindling. First, I got it on a Saturday instead of the usual Friday. Then I got it on a Monday. Then it skipped one week altogether. Last week’s was a full week late. I also got a notice to renew my subscription, but I threw that away because, let’s be honest, I never had a subscription in the first place. My luck may be running out soon. I just hope it lasts through the summer because nothing’s better than an iced tea and celebrity gossip.
  • That moment when you just finished painting your fingernails and you suddenly have to pee…
  • This week was my second spin class. As always, the consequences hit me the next day when I can’t get out of bed. And then once I manage to roll out, moaning the whole way, I stand and somehow my legs, which have been walking just fine for 25 years, don’t remember how to move.
  • I don’t need to say anything about this except that Kevin hates when I do this:



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I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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