It’s on the 8th floor. I’m becoming better about riding elevators, but still, I’d rather climb the stairs. Unfortunately, I’m running slightly late so the elevator it is. I get off and head to the right. I smell an aroma of food and hear the casual conversations of people.
I find Sarah and Laura almost right away. They’ve already seen the gallery. The brief welcome will be happening soon so I don’t know if I have time to go look or if I should wait. I tuck into some food and mingle, spotting the rest of our group and giving and receiving hugs from them all.
I decide I have time to take a peek. I walk over to the hallway and see photos lining the walls. Each photo is titled with the child’s first name. They are beautiful.
No, these children are stunning.
I have just enough time to gulp back a tear that was threatening me and go back into the main hall for the welcome. Jean graciously welcomed everyone and spoke about Cherished Portraits, how it started, how it works. A doctor continued the welcome by reading some of the thank you notes that had come back from patients.
If I had ever doubted the impact this program makes, those letters made me doubt no more. After the welcome, I take my time to wander through the exhibit again, slowly this time, looking into each little face. I feel both sad and happy.
I was recently interviewed by The Daily Iowan and was asked me why I do it, does it help my career or what is the benefit for a photographer to participate. The question made me pause because, quite frankly, volunteering in this program does nothing for my business, in fact, sometimes it takes me away from my business time. I never expected it to bring in money or bring me clients. It’s simply about using my God-given talents to bless someone else. In response to the question, I was quoted as saying this:
And that’s what it comes down to: helping people. For no advancement of your own, simply for the blessing of being a blessing. It makes you no saint; it simply makes you human.
If you have a chance, please stop by the hospital and see the gallery. Because of HIPPA, we’ve never show images to others–in fact, I hadn’t seen the images from the other photographers–so this public gallery (with appropriate patient consent) is beautiful not just because of the stories, patients, and families, but because it’s the first time many of these images are being viewed by people other than the photographer and patient’s family. The gallery remains open until October 12.
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