



wedding photography for joyful couples



the bullet list, vol. 41





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Hi, I'm Emily.

 lot has happened in the past month, which obviously mean it’s time for another bullet list.

  • The royal baby has been born. Finally. To say that I have been on pins and needles over this would be an understatement. I also really thought it was going to be a girl. Turns out, it’s not. But since I’m hoping to have baby girls, I’m already planning for him to become my son-in-law in the future. Even now, as I’m typing this, I’ve got the royal baby monitor streaming live because they’re about to leave the hospital (according to my sources). Post script: I realize I’m posting this a day later; yes, they left the hospital and, yes, he’s a doll! A very big doll.
  • Because I’ve been on royal baby watch for some time now, I’ve been hearing a lot of Brits talking in the background [of the live stream] and I’m afraid my fake British accent is back. It’s pretty marvelous, this accent of mine.
  • My sister, Carla, and her family stayed with us this past weekend. It’s amazing how much noise a 10-month old can make. It seems so quiet now.

  • I went to the Riverside Casino for my pseudo twin’s birthday. I’ve only gambled a few times: in Puerto Rico (where I lost) and in Vegas (where I won). Both times Kevin was with me. I decided I was going to try the blackjack table on my own. Intimidating! But it ended up being pretty fun…and I ended up a winner! ($15 ahead when I quit) The whole point though was not the gambling so much as reuniting with friends, eating lots of food, and having fun together.
  • I quit my part time job and became a full time photographer. It’s a huge, huge step in the right direction and took a lot of gumption, but I’m so happy with where I am right now and will definitely be writing more about this soon in a separate post. Hip hip hurray!
  • We’re getting ready to redo our driveway. We knew this would have to happen when we bought our house, but it’s still a huge undertaking (not on our part, I guess, as we’re contracting it out) and requires a parking pass from the city to park on the street overnight…for several nights.
  • I’m wrapping up and wedding and prepping for the next. Happy Hump Day!


  1. Emily Northouse says:

    si si

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I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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