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client christmas gifts





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Hi, I'm Emily.

letter-i‘ve been getting a lot of questions about my client Christmas gifts this year so I thought I’d share.

First, I should tell you that my first love language is receiving gifts. I always hated that about myself because I thought it made me seem selfish and materialistic. But I’ve come to realize that by me feeling that love, I can turn it around and use it to bless other people. As a result, I like giving gifts. 🙂

For Christmas, I send boxes out to all of the current and next year’s clients. The boxes vary slightly between the two different groups because one group has gotten married and is celebrating their first married Christmas together and the other group is planning their wedding and looking forward to all the next year has to bring.

Last year I sent out cookies (shaped and frosted like a bride, a groom, and a camera), but they were really hard to package and broke so easily! I needed something a little sturdier and equally delicious. One of my former brides, Julianna, is a baker and makes some of the most delicious foods you’ve ever enjoyed. (Brides, she makes delicious and stunning cakes!) So I contacted Julianna a few months ago to collaborate for this year’s gifts. We factored in everything from durability during shipping to longevity of freshness (since there would be a few days between baking and mail delivery).

What resulted were the most delicious sweet breads I’ve ever had. Out of all the flavors, I chose blueberry zucchini and almond poppy seed. Each couple got two loaves, one of each flavor. I prepped the boxes so when Julianna dropped them off (still warm from the oven!), I immediately packaged them up, along with our Christmas card, and mailed them out.

My 2013 wedding clients had one more item in their package as a little momentum of their first Christmas as a married couple: a Christmas tree ornament! I designed them myself and then hired out the actual ornament to be made. The ornaments include this quote, “Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.”

It was so much fun seeing the packages pop up in my Instagram feed over the next few days! Here’s some of the photos.

Hope your Christmas is a very merry one!!! Xo,  Emily



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I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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