heirs was my last wedding of 2014. I was 36 weeks pregnant and feeling surprisingly good. We lucked out with a gorgeous day–though a bit windy–of beautiful sunshine and gorgeous fall foliage.
Bonnie had told me early on that photography was very important to her and I was so excited to witness their vows and to document their love. All of my couples get a standard wedding album, but may choose to upgrade it to make it bigger. This is the largest wedding album I’ve ever put together and it is stunning in every way! It totals 37 spreads (the most my lab can do it 40) and they’ll be able to do overhead presses with it at the gym if they need a heavy weight. 🙂

(For Photographers: I use InDesign CS6 to design all of my albums and use MADERA for all printing, binding, and album creations. They deliver, in my opinion, some of the most stunning, high quality albums in the industry.)
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