n our six years of marriage, this past year has brought about the biggest change. (He goes by Henry.) We found out I was pregnant last year, just a few days before our fifth wedding anniversary. Your surprise trip to Chicago ended up with a lot of vomiting and a lot of napping in the hotel room, but I still treasure that trip. Maybe even more than I would have otherwise. It was simultaneously our last trip as the two of us and our first trip as the three of us.
During this past year, you’ve supported me in every way possible through a tough pregnancy, a busy wedding season, and then, of course, the hormonal craziness that is “new mom” and “I don’t know what I’m doing.” You showed me this past year how truly steadfast you are.
I remember on our wedding day thinking that I couldn’t love you more. Even though I had been told that love grows over time, it still just seemed impossible. Yet each year that goes by gets better and better. Do we work hard on our marriage? Of course. We’d suffer greatly if we didn’t. But it’s so rewarding to share my life with you.
I want to continue laughing with you, loving you, parenting with you, holding hands with you, sharing chores with you, and growing older with you. Before there was Henry, there was just us. And forever on, you and I will be the groundwork, the foundation, to our little family. I couldn’t be more proud of us.
Happy anniversary, my love.
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