It’s winter which means dry skin and germs.
This recipe for Thieves foaming hand soap is helping on both of those fronts, thanks to the coconut oil, vegetable glycerin, and Thieves essential oil. I love this hand soap so much that it’s strangely fun to wash my hands now. If you suffer from dry skin, don’t skip over the vegetable glycerin; it’s technically optional, but it does make a big difference, especially in the winter! In the summer, you could easily just double up on the coconut oil.
- 3 ounces organic castile liquid soap, unscented
- 1 tablespoon fractionated coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon vegetable glycerin
(this is optional–you could double up instead on the coconut oil–but I prefer it for extra moisturizing benefits)
- 20-30 drops essential oils (I use Thieves, but Lavender, Purification, Lemon, etc. would also be lovely!)
- 15 ounces distilled or purified water
- Foaming hand soap dispenser
(preferably glass, but if you don’t use any citrus essential oils in this recipe, you could reuse an existing plastic dispenser that you probably already have on hand. This recipe is for this size of dispenser though, which is 18.7 ounces, so adjust as necessary if using a different size.)
Measure the castile liquid soap into the soap dispenser, then follow with the fractionated coconut oil, vegetable glycerin, and finally the essential oil(s). I added 20 drops of Thieves, but you can mix and match or try another altogether. Just remember that the 20-30 drops is total. If you’re mixing two essential oils, for example, add 10 drops of each.
Fill the rest of the soap dispenser with water, tighten the lid, then give the dispenser a good shake so everything is well mixed.
That’s it! You’re ready to wash your hands.
As a tip, you can make extra and store in a mason jar for easy refills whenever needed.
The breakdown of cost for this recipe is $0.40 for the fractionated coconut oil, $1.55 for the castile liquid soap (less if you can find it on sale at Target like I did last week; on sale with a bonus 10% off in the Cartwheel app!), $0.54 for the vegetable glycerin, and between $1.60 and $2.80 for the essential oil(s), depending which ones you use. So, that’s a grand total of around $5 for a full 18.7 ounce jar of naturally healthy foaming hand soap!
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