



wedding photography for joyful couples



Amy & Eric

A Kent Park Summer Engagement Shoot





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Hi, I'm Emily.

They met in church choir…or, at least, that’s what he told his daughter (who didn’t buy it). But they actually met online in early 2021. “I knew he was special when, after chatting online for a few days, he said he wanted to meet me, but wanted to wait until he was fully vaccinated. Working in healthcare, I was always put off by the guys online who wanted to meet immediately after chatting when were in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. I loved that Eric was being responsible and wanted to wait. I couldn’t wait for vaccines to be made available to his age bracket. (I was already vaccinated because of working in healthcare.)”

A few months later, they met at Bluebird Diner. They had both been very busy at work and it took a bit for Eric to be eligible for his vaccine so they had stopped chatting as much. Luckily for both of them, Amy got brave after going to a friend’s birthday party and reached out again. “After that, we made plans for that weekend and I was sooo nervous. I had gone on a lot of awkward first dates, but this one was different. I was still nervous, but talking to him was so easy. We were there for 3 hours before we finally realized the server wanted us to leave. I had no idea it had been that long.”

Eric said he knew she was the one after Amy and his daughter, Mia, had met. “Amy is wonderful with kids and her and Mia have become very close. I’m no longer Mia’s favorite parent, lol.”

Amy said she knew after about three dates. “I started telling me family, including some very excited nieces and nephews about Eric. Eric has this way of always making things better. In September of that year, I had a really hard day at work and lost a patient. I sobbed on the phone to Eric that night. The next time I saw him, he gave me a gift card for a massage. He told me he felt terrible he couldn’t be there that night to comfort me and that I was a good doctor who loved her patients and that I needed to make myself a priority and that he hoped the massage would help me decompress. It’s hard for non-medical people to realize the stresses of my job and Eric just fully supported me. Sometime shortly after that I knew I was going to marry him and I remember telling my mom that on the drive home from work.”kent_park_engagement_emilycrall_photo_9718.jpg

For the proposal, Eric included his daughter. “The night before, I told my daughter so she could help me come up with an idea of, of course, rehearse multiple times. The real trick is getting a 7-year-old to keep a secret that long!”

Amy had just finished “a really hard stretch of clinical service at the hospital and actually had to work 2 extra days to cover for a friend. After working 21 days in a row, I went up to Eric’s home to spend Sunday afternoon and Memorial Day with him and Mia. I remember how wonderful it was to spend time with them. That day we ran errands and, in retrospect, Mia was dropping hints that I didn’t pick up on (‘Tonight is going to be the best dinner ever!’; we were having burgers, lol). So at dinner, Mia said, ‘Amy, when you and Daddy get married can I be a flower girl?’

“Now Mia asked this question once before in the winter and we had joked she was too old. So I looked at Eric. He paused and said, ‘Mia and I love having you as part of our family. And I have a question for you too.’ He then got down on one knee next to the table and asked me to marry him with his great grandmother’s ring. I was sooo shocked–I even had a brussel sprout in my mouth!–I had no idea this was coming; my nails were not even painted!!! I, of course, said yes and we immediately Facetimed my parents (who already knew because Eric had called them). This was not the proposal I was expecting, and it was perfect: at home with Eric and Mia. We went for a walk together afterwards with all 3 of us plus my dog, Lucy. It was perfect.”


All of the diamonds were from Eric’s great-grandmother’s ring and were completely redesigned into this unique ring setting for Amy. Everything, down to the low-profile of the large diamond (so she can wear it without snagging on hospital gloves) were thought through to make it a perfect custom masterpiece.


I asked what they’re both looking forward to most about their wedding and Amy said she’s looking forward to have their families all together and, specifically, walking down the aisle with her dad toward Eric. He said he’s excited about not having to stress about any more planning (“mainly for Amy’s sake”), being one day closer to the honeymoon, and “just really looking forward to starting our life together.”



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