There are some weddings that a photographer just never gets over. Even years later, we look back with such fondness and delight at how the day unfolded. Xiaoni and Jung’s wedding seven years ago is one of those for me. So when Xiaoni reached out for an anniversary session, I was so thrilled to see them again!
In the time since their wedding, Jung began and now finished his residency in New York and Xiaoni completed her PhD research and thesis defense at Yale. There was some time during their engagement and marriage when they were apart–him in Iowa finishing med school and then in New York for residency; her in Connecticut working on her thesis–but they are both in New York now, using their intelligence, curiosity, and care to make a difference in the medical world. (Xiaoni had told me back at their engagement session, “I remember details from the first time we hung out together alone out of work. He was helping me study for a very important exam and I remember thinking, ‘How can someone be so smart?!?!’ I was also very impressed at the time because of the exam and…he was very patient and understanding. I felt encouraged and confident.”) To see them together and thriving brings such happiness to my heart.
We took pictures at several places that were important to their relationship history. Their reception had been at the IMU in Iowa City so we started around there and then went to the church they were married in and to the ped mall downtown, including the library where they had spent many hours together studying.

They were back in Iowa City for a brief weekend trip and we were able to avoid the rain for a perfect (albeit very humid!) morning downtown before they flew back home. Xiaoni’s parents are visiting them from China for a few months and came with them to Iowa City so we got some pictures of them as well.

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