When Desiree and Brent met for their first date, Desiree made sure to set up plans for their next date before they left. “I was pretty sure after the first date,” she said. “But I really knew after our first fight that it was going to work out. I always heard the advice that you never really know someone until you see what they do in a fight. That shows how they handle conflict and how they resolve it.”
They’ve been together for over two years and are planning their wedding next year. I was so excited when they reached out as I had already worked with Brent’s family for his sister’s wedding in 2022 (the autumn after Desiree and Brent had met). Speaking of Brent’s family, he said he knew Desiree was the one after meeting his extended family the first time; “everyone loved being together and I knew it was right.”

Brent proposed while they were on a cruise. “He took me out to the balcony at sunset and proposed,” Desiree said. “I thought was acting a little weird because he kept bringing up the sunset. When he actually proposed, I could only think that I hoped the ring didn’t fall. There would be no getting it back from the ocean. I think it took me a couple of days to actually believe that it happened.”
Together, they love playing games, watching movies together, and putting together puzzles. He loves how they can just be themselves with each other. She appreciates how kind he is. “We also match each other well in humor. He accepts me for who I am.”

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