It’s always so much fun to see the Ohloff family! I have been lucky enough to get to photograph them for years (Elizabeth and Seth’s engagement, wedding, and multiple family sessions since then: here, here, here, here, here, and here!). I’m always shocked at how much the kids change in between sessions. I remember when Emily wasn’t even waist high and now she’s closing in on passing her parents in height.

Elizabeth is on active duty right now so we had a limited window of time when we could do their photos when she was back in Iowa. It was really cold so, while we had planned on an outdoor shoot (weather pending), we switched to indoors. (It should be mentioned though: for both their engagement session and their wedding, it was sooo cold! They have never once complained about weather!) The Visual Arts Building in Iowa City is beautiful and was completely empty over Thanksgiving break.

We ended their shoot with their Christmas sweaters, which was soooo fun and adorable!

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