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gambling loser





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Hi, I'm Emily.

This week was my first week back at work.  Wow, life hits hard post vacation.  I’m figuring out time balancing in my life.  Having a photography business on top of a 40-hour job on top of teaching 2 Pilates classes a week leaves little time for other things.  I’m not complaining; I am, however, learning how to prioritize things and that’s a challenge for me.

I love my life though.  I am most happy with a camera in my hands or a new Pilates move to add to the class routine.  I have decided that you can find out what you love and don’t love by weighing it against winning the lottery.  For example, if I won the lottery, would I still take pictures?  Yes.  So therefore, if a+b=c, then I love photography.  If I won the lottery, would I still work my 9-5 job?  No.  This is a great theory for me to figure out a lot of things in life and how to prioritize them.  Maybe not the most scientific method, but it works nevertheless.

I don’t play the lottery though.  I think that I would get suckered in if I did.  My odds of winning are so small, but the chance of winning would sound too glamourous.  I know this because I gambled for the first time in Puerto Rico at the casino.  I can now see how people get addicted to gambling.  I fell fast!!!  I had $20 and I was on a great winning streak.  I was up to $65 and I got greedy and tried to get more.  I fell down to $0.  So I ended up losing $20 so much quicker than I had won the $65.  I mean, I had fun playing and the thrill of winning was fantastic, but the depression of losing was enough to put me in a bad mood for the night.

You know the silliest part of the whole situation?  As soon as I lost my last 2 chips, I turned to Kevin asking him for more money.  Man, I suck.  Thank goodness Kevin was the money controller because he didn’t let me have anymore and made us leave the casino.  (He, by the way, broke even.)

So there’s my gambling story.  Not very exciting, I know, but it unleashed a beast in me and now I want to gamble again.  Why am I such a greedy person that the idea of a quick dollar can really excite me?  Man, I have a problem.

In other news, we’re going to see Iron Man 2 tonight and I’m really excited!  On another note, I’m hosting brunch tomorrow and I’m so excited.  I feel like such an adult hosting a brunch for my friends.


  1. […] the Riverside Casino for my pseudo twin’s birthday. I’ve only gambled a few times: in Puerto Rico (where I lost) and in Vegas (where I won). Both times Kevin was with me. I decided I was going to […]

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I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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