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snow day





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Hi, I'm Emily.

I never thought I would be able to have a snow day after graduation.  Turns out, when you live in Iowa, snow days are still a possibility for adults.

It’s been a freezing blizzard all day and at least I was prepared enough last night when I left work so I had a listing of patient cancellations and the phones were on service.  Other than that, it’s been a pretty quiet day.  After taking care of work stuff from home this morning, I cleaned up the house and then baked some bread. (Which didn’t turn out, by the way.  Cum Vella Essa fail.)  Then I sat around wrapped in a blanket and read a book.

Kevin’s bank closed at 1:00 today so he came home early.  I got a call from him around 1:30 saying he was stuck in the driveway (no one had come yet to plow any snow) so I bundled up and fought the wind to make it out to where he was.  (I so felt like Laura Ingalls Wilder!!  Remember how Pa had to go to the barn during the blizzard and tied a rope between the house and the barn so that he wouldn’t get lost and die wandering around for days?)  Kevin shoveled all the way around the car and I put the car in reverse and tried to back the car up while he pushed from the front.  It didn’t work.  A very obnoxious MidAmerican Energy man yelled out from his truck that Kevin needed to move his car so he could drive in, yet refused to help.  After about 10 minutes, he got out of his truck and walked past us to wherever he needed to go, no doubt mad that we “refused” to move the car.  (Never mind that his truck wouldn’t have made it into the drive either as the snow was about a foot deep without the drifts.)

After more work and no luck, a stranger walked by out of no where and offered to help.  With both him and Kevin pushing the card and me gunning the accelerator and turning the steering wheel back and forth, the car finally budged and I parked it across the street in a parking lot that had actually been cleared.  Thank you, Stranger!!!

Let’s just say that Kevin made a call about the uncleared lot as soon as he got inside.  We’ll see if I’m able to get out tomorrow to get to work.

For now, happy snow day.  I feel like a kid again!


  1. Ivy says:

    I can't believe someone asked you to move but didn't offer to help when it had to be obvious you couldn't move and he should have just helped..arrgh. (run on sentence but you catch my drift-hehe or rather your car did!)

  2. Rae Nolt says:

    I totally felt like Laura today! Being in the country…hearing the wind…baking cookies…til I started scraping…that's where it ended!

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I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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