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cirque, running, and fires





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Hi, I'm Emily.

Kevin and are huge Cirque du Soleil fans.  Which is why when Kevin got an email announcing that Alegria was coming to Cedar Rapids, we immediately purchased pre-sale tickets.  Last night was the show and it was, in true Cirque du Soleil fashion, amazing!  I always get most nervous about the high bars and the trapeze.  Those people are swinging around way up there and literally flying through the air to catch onto another swingers arms at the last minute.  It’s just insane.

I found it very interesting to notice that out of the entire cast, only 3 performers were from the United States.  Kevin says that it’s because Americans are fat and lazy.  A Cirque performer definitely isn’t fat and doesn’t get that 10-pack by being lazy.  
We were so annoyed by the people behind us.  They kept talking the whole pre-performance about how they’ve never been to a Cirque show before and that they need to remember to look everywhere because otherwise they’ll miss stuff.  Also, they noticed that there were seats right beside the stage and the man made sure to comment that he didn’t get those tickets because he didn’t know if they’d like the show, not because he didn’t have the money for it.  Then throughout the show, they kept getting up and leaving and coming back in knocking me in the back of the head every time.  Another time, they knocked a drink out of someone’s hand.  They needed to be seated somewhere else.  Or at least on an aisle seat.  Annoying!  
In other news, today I went for my first* run of 2010!  It was gorgeous outside and I had a headache so I figured it would be good for me to get some fresh air.  I am much slower now than I was at the end of 2009, but for my first run in about 5 months, I was glad to make it through 2 whole miles regardless of my pace.  Here’s to the rest of 2010, from now until the end of Fall; lace up those running shoes!
*Small disclaimer.  I tried going for a run several weeks ago when it was still icy out.  The day had been up to 30 degrees with sun, but by the time I got home and started running, the sun had set and anything that had melted than day had turned into ice on the sidewalks.  When the sun set, the temperature also dropped significantly so between slipping on the ice, dodging the snow still piled on the sidewalks, and trying to breathe through the suddenly frigid air, I was done in pretty quickly.  When I couldn’t feel my fingers anymore (which were inside gloves), I fumbled through my phone to call Kevin.  He came and picked me up right away and I spent the rest of the night in a hot shower and under blankets.  I do not count that as my first run because I really wasn’t running so much as skidding and sliding then getting hypothermia.

So after the run, I took a shower.  As I was washing my face with conditioner sitting in my hair, a high-pitched shrill siren started going off.  It was the fire alarm.  Kevin told me to get out right away.  I panicked.  My worst nightmare: there’s a fire and I am naked.  Here was my progression of thoughts, “I need to get out, but I’m naked!  I can’t run outside naked.  This is so embarrassing!  I still have conditioner in my hair.  Do I have time to rinse it out?  My hair is going to be so gross with conditioner left in it.  I should turn off the radio.  Okay, here’s a towel…I need to put on Kevin’s blue sweatpants because they’re my favorite and I don’t want them to burn.  Ugh, I need a shirt!  Where’s a stupid shirt!??  My computer; I need to grab that.  What’s Kevin going to do about the TV?  My camera.  Man…is there anything in the kitchen that I need?”  Before I even found the shirt, the alarm stopped though it left a piercing headache in my brain.  After checking to make sure we didn’t have any candles burning or a fire anywhere in the condo, I got back in the shower to take care of that conditioner.  Then I put those blue sweatpants in the drier since they were soaked from my jump from the shower straight into the pants.  All of this commotion caused us to go into a talk about what we will both grab if there’s ever a fire.  Kevin was ready to go grab the car and start hauling stuff out there…he’s always swiveling.  
Crisis averted.  We’re getting ready for The Apprentice now.

Addendum:  Kevin wanted me to clarify that the TV would not be the first thing he would grab.  He feels that I would panick and therefore, I would be the first thing he would have to grab because I would be too flustered to get out myself. 


  1. Carla says:

    Crying!! Funniest blog entry ever!! You need to learn Kevin's swiveling tactics!

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