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north liberty children: romy





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Hi, I'm Emily.

Although her parents had prepped her before we met, Romy was as shy as a little mouse.  We tried just about everything but she wasn’t having me.  I understood.  I didn’t look at a camera for a whole year when I was her age.  In fact, I remember being tempted with a lollipop one time, but in the picture, my head is still down, the lollipop grasped in both hands.  Suckers, didn’t work. 
Romy wasn’t as tough as me though!  With some coaxing from everyone involved, she warmed up and even started making some faces.  She brought her doll, Chloe, along, who is coincidently also a “mommy” to another doll named Pearl.  We kept teasing Romy that Chloe was smiling bigger than she was.  But gosh darn it, if you can’t just love that little face of hers! 
I love Romy’s mom in these pictures!  She has such a great laugh and it’s my favorite to capture people’s true emotions.
Romy got a treat of Cheerios to entice her onto the blanket.  She was happy to share it with her dog, Sam, and while he licked the Cheerios out, she happily still dug right in with her little fingers.  We let it slide.
This is probably my favorite photo I’ve ever taken, or, at the very least, it ranks right up there with my top 10.  I can’t help but just laugh with glee when I see how happy this child is playing baseball.  She was rocking and rolling and I was just privileged to be a spectator.
If you ask her, “Who’s the biggest Phillies fan?”, she’ll respond, “Romy is!”  It’s like she’s been cued or something.  ðŸ˜‰
A special little moment that I just barely grabbed, but managed to eek it out on our way back to the car.  I’m glad I didn’t miss it because I think it shows so well her personality, just a tad shy, but so cute, so fun, and, yes, a bit ornery!
Romy, I’m glad that I got to hang out with you and your parents, dog, and “baby”.  You are a little treasure of a girl and I had the best time getting to know you.  Hopefully there will be a next time and we’ll have even more fun together!  Happy three years old!
P.S.  For more from this shoot (and there are plenty more!), click here.


  1. […] a year older and a big sister now. What a difference it makes! Last time I photographed her, she was incredibly shy and didn’t really warm up to me until we got out her t-ball set. This […]

  2. carlawhipple says:

    Love the last photo the most! Super cute.

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I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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