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top 10 favorite and/or most used-and totally free-apps, part 2





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Hi, I'm Emily.

If you missed my first 5 recommendations, they are here. Here are the other 5 of my Top 10 Favorite and/or Most Used—and Totally Free—Apps.


You can’t just get any free sudoku game out there. You have to get this one. As in, the one in the photo. Why? Oh, I don’t know, maybe because it’s the best. I always try to outscore myself on this game and I’m up to a high score of 83,259. Sudoku is totally addicting and there are levels for everyone. In fact, you have to start out on the easiest level to prove yourself before you’re allowed to make it harder. At this rate, I will have a healthy brain all the way to 112, which is exactly how long I’m planning on living. I will be like that 90-year-old woman who is teaching fitness classes at the retirement center.


Now, I’ve got a sad, sad story for you about this app. I got it back when it was free. Then Nike decided to add GPS to it, which is awesome, but that means it’s $1.99 now. Luckily, I already had the original one so I don’t have to buy it, but I would if I had to. That’s how worth it this app is to my exercise life.

I’ve already talked about my running habits and struggles so just know this: I cannot and will not run without using this app. I need the incentive of tracking my time, my pace, my distance, and competing with other Nike+ runners online. (Please note: you must have the Nike+ shoe insert in order to use this app, but it’s absolutely, totally worth it!)

Fruit Ninja

Don’t take out your anger on your husband. Take it out on fruit whilst wielding a ninja sword. Hee-ya! If you’re wondering if this game is addictive, on a scale of 1 to 10, it’s a 10. My sister started playing it while she was visiting and she was on the couch for almost 2 hours slicing up fruit. With every failure, she would yell things that I can’t type because our mom reads this blog. On a side note, my brother-in-law is a real ninja (yep, true story!) and so this makes me feel like I might be able to do battle against him. Or with him. I don’t exactly know how ninja rules work. Team or one-on-one?

Mobile RSS

It’s the next best thing to Google Reader. In fact, it syncs with your Google Reader. (If you aren’t using Google Reader, you should also get hooked on that right now! It was an ah-ha moment in my life. My husband was really proud of me because he’s like a super-Google user and I, though I’m very loyal to all things Google, transitioning to Reader made me legit like him.) All the blogs I follow are right there on my phone and I can just shimmy right on through them, reading, starring, smiley-facing, saving for later…it’s all there. If you follow blogs, you should use this app. (And you should use Google Reader. It changed my blog-reading life! Did I already say that? It means that I really mean it!)

Tiny Planets

This is another photo app, but so much cooler than just taking a photo! With one click, this app turns your photo into awesome art. Monet would be so embarrassed of our generation. He would say, “Art, you call that art?!?” And I would say, “Now, Monet, settle down and let’s have some tea together and discuss water lillies.” (It’s true that I have an art-crush on Monet. In a song I once wrote, he made an appearance. I was going to upload it so you could listen for the part, but I can’t figure out how to change the format from .aiff to .mp4. Sorry.)

Have fun crushing on your new apps!!!



reader faves

I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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