I’ve had the great privilege of being a frequent flyer at Garrison’s home. I first photographed him as a newborn, then at 3 months, and now he’s 6 months old! I can’t believe how quickly he’s growing and becoming such a little man.
Garrison was so sleepy yesterday because he had skillfully managed to avoid his two morning naps. We managed to get all the shots before he stopped resisting his sleepy little eyes and went down for a third nap try.
This photo cracks me up because it so perfectly describes his tired attitude. Talk about a perfect Sunday afternoon relaxing on the front porch swing!
I know that I say this every time, but it’s because it deserves to be said: this family is so unbelievably cute!!
(To get a larger view of the gallery below, just click on a photo. Use the arrows on either side to scroll through the album.)
The bigger that Garrison grows, the more interactive he is and it is just so much fun to play with him and take his pictures! Thanks again, mom and dad, for inviting me over. Garrison, you’re so handsome; just don’t let it get to your head because we say it to you so much. 🙂
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