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Hi, I'm Emily.

  • For the past several days I have been battling a headache on top of a migraine. It’s brutal. But it wasn’t until 2 days into it that I realized we had run out of regular coffee and I had been drinking decaf. My body is revolting. And now I understand that caffeine IS a drug. I’m having withdrawal symptoms. I almost think I should stick to decaf now that I’m through the worst of it…but my regular coffee…I just love it so much.

  • Everything in our condo is in boxes and/or an unorganized mess. But I’m okay with it because I know it means that we’re moving soon and, for that, I am so grateful and excited.
  • I’ve been trying out the free version of Lumosity. Here’s what I’ve realized…it’s like high school in timed tests. I NEVER did good on timed tests. I panic and my palms get sweaty and I lose my mind. What is 3×3? In that moment, I have no idea! Literally, not a clue. Right now, I can easily tell you that it’s 9. And I’m not using a calculator. But put a timer on that question and it all goes out the window. There are two games in particular that I hate. Hate! The penguin game (spatial orientation) and the raindrops game (arithmetic).
    • The penguin pursuit game…this is brutal. I have always prided myself in being very aware of my directions. I don’t get turned around a lot. But when I am trying to move a penguin through a maze that keeps spinning, well, this is frustrating to say the least. Also, this is a timed game because I’m racing against another computer-programmed penguin and that penguin NEVER gets turned around.

    • The raindrops game is what I was referring to with the math problems. There are multiple raindrops falling and if you can’t answer the math problem before they hit the ground, the water rises. Think of it like a mix between Fruit Ninja and Tetris. Plus, I’m not very good at math so there’s that issue as well.

    • In contrast, there are some games that I love and I get really excited when they are on the docket for my day. I love the memory games (like Memory Matrix & Memory Match), the attention games (like Eagle Eye!), and the flexibility games (any of the word games).
    • (I should note that neither of those screenshots are mine. I got them from Google. I don’t have time to screenshot while gaming, y’all! Plus, did you actually think I could score that high? Andplusalso, just looking at that math game makes my blood pressure rise. Sometimes if I get too panicked I just close my eyes until the game ends. Which is why I’ve never actually seen my screen look like this.)
  • Realized: I just wrote a lot about a brain-training site that I don’t actually pay for. Should I get a free subscription for that? I think so.
  • I’ve got places to go and things to do. Namely, clean the bathrooms and empty the dishwasher.


  1. Carla Whipple says:

    Shoot, I feel panic just looking at that screenshot and I’ve never even played the game.

  2. Jewel Miller says:

    This has peaked my curiosity…now I am going to have to check it out. 🙂

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I'm Emily and I'm so happy you're here! This blog is a journal about my life and my latest work. Stay a while and say hello!

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